Any loan taken for personal purpose is called a personal loan. Such a loan does not need any kind of security. The purpose of such a loan can be either to buy furniture, LCD TV, to incur wedding expenses, travel expenses etc. The time and amount of loan that is available would depend on the bank providing the loan. This is because every bank has their own terms and conditions.
Procuring a personal loan is very simple and easy as there is no security that is required. Thus it requires less paperwork and saves time. A personal loan is taken when the amount required for incurring expenditure is high. The advantage is it fulfills the needs of the customer.
The lender is not interested in knowing the actual use of the loan. What is important to them is the repayment of the loan. For this they would do some survey on the kind of job the customer holds and on the monthly income that he obtains.
There are various banking institutions today that are ready to provide personal loans fast. Certain factors need to be considered before choosing the best money lender.
Check for the interest rate that the bank is asking for. The money lender charging less interest rate should be selected. The monthly installments that need to be paid must be calculated and checked for it is ultimately going to reduce your buying capacity.
Calculation of the loan cost and the interest would give you a better analysis of the total amount that would be paid. Some banks charge processing fee and documentation charges.
There are various unforeseen charges that could be levied on a personal loan. They are processing fees, documentation charges, penalties for late payment, prepayment fee, and charges for the bouncing of a particular check. All these expenses could be a liability when the end amount is totaled.
The bank would also require certain documents when issuing a loan. It could be salary slip, the proof of residence, proof of identity, guarantors, and bank account statements of the past six months.
The cons of a personal loan are that the interest rate paid here is quite high. The unforeseen charges mentioned above add to the burden. Finally, it is the customer who ends up paying a much bigger amount as compared to the actual cost. That’s the reason why some people prefer not taking such loans. But the pros of personal loans easily overshadow the cons making it very attractive to any customer.