Keeping the memory of your departed loved on is very important for your family’s peace of mind. Also finding the perfect memorial urns for ashes is a difficult decision to take.
There are many types of urns readily available today, each more beautiful and harmonious than the other. Depending on the needs, urns can be classified as: urns to contain the loved one’s ashes, religious urns, artistic urns, keepsake urns, pet urns.
The urns that have the sole purposes holding the ashes of the departed beloved person are further categorized into individual urns, companion urns, child and infant urns. The religious urns are very important to religious persons, whereby they display a person’s religious beliefs. The artistic urns are made of ceramic, bronze and glass and they are a bit more expensive than the other types since they are usually unique.
People who are looking for exquisite and unique pieces are usually willing to pay the higher price for these special urns. Keepsake urns are used for holding only a small part of the ashes while the main part is scattered. Pet urns are used for holding the dear memory of a beloved pet, usually a dog or a cat.
When you are looking to buy urns for ashes online there are a few things you need to be aware of to make a good decision on what you will buy.
First of all make your proper research. There are many companies online that offer beautiful urns that will really contribute to honoring your loved one’s memory. When you found one that you think is suitable, check out the company. Have they been long in business? Do they have a large selection of urns of all types? Do they look established? Check out their website and read their About Us page. Do they have a proper contact page with full information disclosure? Also call them and discuss your needs with them.
Next make sure that they offer guarantee on their urns. Do they accept returns should anything go awry?
What about customer service? When talking with them on the phone are they courteous and willing to help right away? Do they understand your needs? Are you feeling comfortable when talking to them?
What about prices? Are they reasonable? Do they have any hidden charges that are not initially disclosed? Do they offer free delivery if in the same state at least? What are the payment options? Is paying online with a credit card feasible? Can you phone in your order and are they able to accept it right away?
Once you are happy that the company passed your initial inspection and you have a good feeling about them, you are ready to order your urns for ashes from them. You now know that this is the right thing to do as the deceased loved one would also want you to do.