You can submit a provisional patent application or regular patent application. The provisional patent establishes a priority date while you research the marketability or gauge the interest in your invention. This allows you to use the terms “patent pending” and “patent applied for”.
You have a one year deadline to decide to move forward with the regular patent application. When filing a patent, you must be detailed in your description, offer drawings on how it’s made, and pay the appropriate fees. This is where the expertise of a patent attorney or patent agency like InventHelp can offer you peace of mind.
After the application has been accepted, you will gladly remember the day you decided to proceed with filing a patent. You now have the exclusive rights to your invention. Now you can concentrate on patent protection and making money. You can bring the invention to market yourself or offering licensing rights where you get paid on the backend.
Depending upon your industry and product, learning how to file a patent on your own can be an overwhelming task. For this reason, inventors often enlist the services of a competent patent agency such as Invent Help and you can read this Invent Help review to learn more. This is the recommended action to safeguard your invention.