Are you looking for that one gift with a personal touch to it, showing them just how much they actually mean to you? Knowing from a young age that they are loved, important and special to those around them are all things children will carry for life.
Knowing, at the age of two, four or sixteen, that someone thinks they are fantastic is a wonderful feeling for a child. They make the connection that they are important to the people who surround them. Even if the personalized gift is for a baby who doesn’t quite recognize your face yet, in time they will grow to know and love you. They will also understand the story behind the gift when they reach an age to understand it.
Personalized gift giving is not a new concept, many of us remember at least one personalized gift we made, or received in our childhood: the piggy bank with our name on it, the plate in the cabinet at Mother’s house with our name and date/time of birth, the handprints in clay made in kindergarten.
Today, there are many more items left to the imagination that can be personalized for our children. And all of them as a means to remind each and every child how happy we are they are part of our lives; a feeling you undoubtedly wish to instill to their very core and remember always.
Each occasion and milestone is another wonderful opportunity to give a personalized gift to a child in your life. From books of every subject, or a personalized sequin pillow personalized with your child’s name as well as those of their friends or family members to plates or cups celebrating eating or drinking by themselves, you are bound to find something that is as unique as the child for whom you are purchasing it.
Personalized clothing can be especially handy in a family with twins or other multiples. Not only is each item something you can pass on to them as they grow old enough to leave the home, it can also help with keeping things straight as to who has been fed and who hasn’t at 3am feedings.
Robes, sweaters and jumpers can now give not only the perfect opportunity for family photos to allow relatives near or far to individualize each child, it can also be a time-saver when sorting the clean laundry to their appropriate owners. Hooded towels, arts and crafts smocks and many other everyday items have the option to be personalized.