Paintball is played in the woods, in outdoor fields, and indoor arenas.
If you are setting up your own field, whether it is in the woods or in an open area, you should first make sure that you are not breaking any laws in that area. It is possible, in some areas, to be charged with improper discharge of a weapon, among other things. You also must consider the possibility of injury to one of the players, in which case the owner of the property may be held liable.
When setting up your field, you should choose an area that has natural bunkers, such as trees and boulders. You can also add man made bunkers, including hay bales, boards, barrels, etc. You should check for hazards, such as broken glass, hidden stumps, pits, etc.
There are many types of commercial outdoor playing fields as you can read from getpaintballgun.com. Commercial fields usually charge a field fee. This fee will vary from field to field. These fields are often set up for scenario, or concept play. A common type is the urban assault field, which often consists of buildings, old cards, and other urban type objects that are used for cover. The fields can also have a medieval setup with castles and towers.
Speedball fields generally have a series of bunkers, with no other obstacles. They are typically small with closely grouped bunkers, and the players are in an instant firefight from the beginning to the end.
Indoor paintball fields are quite different from outdoor fields. Most indoor fields offer speedball type play. Some indoor arenas have theme style play. One noticeable difference between indoor and outdoor play is that indoors, the guns are much louder.
Features to look for when choosing a commercial field include a proshop, on site repairs, rental equipment that is in good shape, quality paint that is fairly priced, and a playing field that is well maintained. Good fields also offer more than one playing field.