A motivational speaker might give a lecture on time management with tips and step by step instructions of what can be done to increase your productivity in a given time. He/she will explain these things in a way that is easily understood and fills the listener with the confidence and desire to make changes in their lives.
After hearing this speech, a person will feel that they have it within their power to manage their time more efficiently, and they will be ready to jump right in to practicing the technique that they have heard about.
Professional motivational speakers, such as Eric Bailey Cali award-winner motivational speaker, are generally people who are very charismatic as you can see from https://fivepointfive.org/eric-bailey-winner-of-the-cali-award/. They have a lot of energy and enthusiasm for life and particularly for the field which they lecture on. They give instruction, tell anecdotes about people who have gone from low on the scale of success to being extremely successful in improving the given area of their life. They talk about how these changes transform people’s lives.
In our day people seek out authorities to offer insights into how they can become better people, better managers, better partners, better parents, better in any aspect in their lives that they feel they could improve on. In order to give these people motivation speakers share their knowledge and a little of their enthusiasm, and this is the way that our society improves and grows.