If you’re like millions of other in UK, you’ve got a bad back. And, like all those other folks, you’ve probably missed at least one work day or been unable to perform regular chores because of it. If you’re considering the use of inversion tables to relieve your back pain there are a couple of things you should know.
There are many, many types of back pain. Even the best inversion table UK cannot remedy all of them. However, an inversion table benefits most of all back pain related to the pull of gravity such as misalignment, weak muscles, and even poor posture. What inversion therapy does is literally turn you on your head, so as gravity pulls downwards it opens up the space between your vertebrae thus relieving pressure all along your spine.Using inversion tables for back pain also has other benefits…
Everyday stress builds up tension in your body. Along with muscle tension comes back pain, neck pain and headaches. In one study, people who simply inclined their body at 25° for less than a minute reduced pain by as much as 35%.
Remaining flexible, maintaining strength and having a healthy cardiovascular system are all necessary as we age. Using a gravity inversion table stimulates circulation for improved cardiovascular health. Because inversion relieves pressure on the spine, you can practice strength building exercises while on the table, and using an inversion table helps maintain flexibility and good posture. Other inversion table benefits include some you may not be aware of…
Muscle stiffness and spasms, common in athletes and those who work out rigorously, can be alleviated using a gravity inversion table. By inverting the body the lymph system cleanses itself of the buildup of lactic acid that comes with strenuous physical activity. That causes the muscle pain to go away faster.
By using Teeter Hang Ups inversion tables for back pain many people experience an overall improvement in their mental outlook. Just as pain can cloud the way we look at life, the removal of pain can brighten our attitude. Even those who have become pain free report that inversion therapy generally makes them feel better both physically and mentally.