Here’s a simple checklist you can use to optimize a web page or blog post. The purpose is to just highlight all the areas you need to be aware of whenever you add one page of content or when you are writing a blog post.
By ensuring each item is addressed, your content will be keyword optimized for SEO.
- Choose a focus keyword for the post/page. This is a short phrase that you would like to be the main search keyword for this post/page.
- Use the focus keyword exactly “as is” in the following places:
- Post/Page title (H1 tag)
- Post/Page URL (Permalink)
- One H2 subheading tag
- In context of a sentence in the first paragraph
- In a few places in the body of the post/page
- SEO Title
- Meta Description
- Meta Keywords (optional)
- Image alt text for one image.
- Lead off each post/page with a subheading (H2 format). This is a grabber headline for people that has more information in it than the post/page title (H1).
- Use of images:
- Use at least one image in the body of the post/page.
- For the main image, use the focus keyword in the image alternate text (alt text).
- For all images, use meaningful image alternate text.
- Remove image links if they are not meaningful. Showing a larger version of a chart or graph would be meaningful.
- Each image should have a meaningful file name like industrial-robots.jpg not img123.jpg.
Use these other online writing tips:
- Keep in mind that people scan online content first and will read it when their eyes are drawn to something that catches their attention.
- Use Short paragraphs.
- Use Subheadings.
- Use Bullet lists.
- Interlink between related pages or articles when it makes sense.
As you can see there is a lot of to take care of. So, if you think this is overwhelming for you, you can always hire a professional Suchmaschinenoptimierung company to do the optimization for you. Hiring professionals is always better than doing it yourself.