For breakfast, lunch and dinner, you’ll want a cooking and eating area setup. Some campers like bring their own camp stoves and oven. These home amenities give them cooking flexibility. A simple camp folding chair and stools will make for a perfect dining area with a portable folding table. Products from companies like Coleman and Camp Chef have a variety of items for your to choose from.
If you’ll be at a campsite, you will often get a picnic table, camp fire pit and grill to use. If you’re backpacking, then picking and finding your camping site and camp kitchen and eating area will be up to you. These supplies can be found at cheap outlet prices to save on outdoor equipment on the internet.
For resting and keeping clean, people know that camping tents are the standard outdoor shelter. But inside the tent comes amenities that are optional like camping cots and beds. People also go outdoors with inflatable mattresses and sleeping pads to lay under their sleeping bags. This is good for older campers with bad backs, but still want to enjoy the great outdoors. Many first time campers ask about camp showers and toilets. Most camp sites will have showers, sinks and a camp toilet area available for washing up. But, if you’re really in the woods camping, you can take along a hot water heater and instant portable shower if you really need it. This can be a little heavy, but having a nice frame backpack or duffel bag will help transport this and your other gear.